Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Fried Lizard

My causin used his childhood and he’s itvhing to play to my house, then my dad saw my cousin itchy body kept my father went out of the house. Then when my father brought home a lizard which he said he had captured from the back of the house, keep him in the cooking process and my mother.
After my overcooked and cousins who were playing outside the house in the capital calling for entry into the house, and after entry was already there fried lizard said that medicine for my cousin. Nd I was also told to eeat as to accompany my cousin, after one week and he played home again itch is healed.

My Little Bike

          Childhood is a time of fun, the period in which we are free to play without having to think much about anything. Live freely, without load, every day is always playing and.
On that afternoon after I spent time watching tv, my father bought a mini nike which in the previous week I a beeline out of the house in a state of happiness.
Do not wait any longer I rushed to climb and learn to use and accompanied by the grandmother at the time.
I gradually swing after I fee I can, swing faster and at that time I was in the intersection and I loose control of his bike crashed with me and the little bike of my right of entry to the spokes of a bicycle and bloody after that I was carried away by her and treated my mhoter.Finish moment

For the task this time I went along with 4 of my friends, my first destination went to Malioboro second I went to Benteng and last I went to Taman Sari. Me and my friend went at 9 and it was very sunny. We headed straight to Malioboro because it was the first goal we had set before going. In Malioboro on walking we found a stranger coming from Singapore he is taller than us the guy was originally walking on we chased him to ask for photos and took a short video he was happy for it, his skin was white and he was handsome.
After that we continued walking still in Malioboro, we found again strangers 2 men and 1 women we cumin ask for photos and too short time, after that we continue the journey to our second destination that is to the Citadel. While in the first Castle we walked around the Castle long enough and have not found what we were looking for. Then we saw 1 woman and 1 man looking at a photo around the Citadel and we asked for a photo of them, but they were very chasing the time so they did not want a one-on-one photo with us. The second we saw a stranger who was doing the photo shoot by wearing a blue batik shirt he is a woman who is stylish but still looks beautiful. After we asked Tanya he was of Indonesian and Australian descent so he can speak Indonesian.
After from Benteng we went to Taman Sari, where we found a couple who came from Paris and we asked to take pictures and take a video for a while. Most of them in Indonesia is approximately 7 days, indeed they come here for a vacation and when I asked the Parisian about his favorite food in Indonesia he with a funny answer nai goring, he said it was very tasty. All day we walk and it is very exciting chase to just ask for photos. Thank you


A. Pengertian Procedure Text
Sebelum menjelaskan tentang generic structure, ciri-ciri procedure text dan contohnya, saya akan memulai penjelasan ini mendefinisikan pengertian procedure text baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun dalam bahasa Indonesia. “Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps”. Jadi yang dimaksud dengan procedure text adalah sebuah genre of text yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan atau dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah yang benar.
B. Tujuan Procedure Text
Tujuan komunikatif dari procedure text adalah bagaimana seorang penulis mampu memahamkan pembaca tentang cara melakukan, menyelesaikan atau mencapai sesuatu dengan cara yang runtut dan benar atau prosedural. Sebenarnya dilihat dari istilahnya, kita tentu sudah bisa memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan procedure text. Jadi mungkin ini adalah salah satu genre of text yang tanpa dijelaskan sebelumnya tapi kita sudah dapat meraba apa maksud tujuan teks ini.
C. Generic Structure Procedure Text
  1. The Goal of Activity
    Pada bagian ini, penulis mencoba menjelaskan tentang apa yang akan dibuat atau dicapai melalui serangkaian langkah yang akan dijelaskan pada paragraf berikutnya sehingga pembaca tidak salah paham tentang apa yang sedang dibicarakan.
  2. Any Material Needed for Procedure
    Setelah pembaca mengetahui sesuatu apa yang akan dibuat atau dicapai, kemudian penulis memaparkan materi atau bahan-bahan yang harus dipersiapkan atau dibutuhkan agar sesuatu tersebut dapat dicapai dengan baik. Jadi pastikan semua bahan atau materi sudah lengkap sebelum mulai membuatnya.
  3. Steps to Achieve the goal
    Jika bahan-bahan atau materi yang dibutuhkan sudah lengkap, barulah penulis memberitahukan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan secara runtut atau urut. Jadi pada bagian ini penulis harus menjelaskannya secara urut dan tidak boleh loncat-loncat.
  4. Conclusion
    Kesimpulan yang berisi tentang hasil akhir dari apa yang telah dikerjakan sesuai dengan langkah-langkah yang telah ditentukan.
D. Contoh Procedure Text
                How to make Milkshake Strawberry
The ingredients that you need to make a milkshake strawberry are:
·         Strawberry
·         Milk
·         Sugar
·         Water
·         Ice
·         Natadecoco
Now, follow these steps to make a milkshake strawberry.
1.      First, put strawberries and sugar into the glass (pounded it)
2.      After the strawberries looks smooth, pour milk and water into the glass (mix with the strawberries)
3.      Last, add natadecoco and some ice and finish.

Milkshake is suitable to drink when the weather is hot because this drink is very fresh, can be made anytime and how to make it is also very easy. To drink with friends is also very suitable because the time makes it short enough. May be useful


Simple past tense dan present tense meskipun sama-sama digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa yang telah terjadi atau yang terjadi di masa lampau, keduanya memiliki beberapa perbedaan yang cukup signifikasi dan tentu saja tidak dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan satu sama lain karena telah berbeda konteks.
a.      Simple past tense merupakan sebuah tense dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau atau tanpa unsur detail mengenai pekerjaan yang di lakukan telah selesai atau belum. Simple past tense selalu menggunakan verb 2 atau kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris.
Rumus simple past tense:

Kata keterangan waktu yang digunakan simple past tense lebih spesifik dibandingkan dengan present perfect yaitu, yesterday (kemarin), last week (minggu lalu), last month (bulan lalu), dan lain sebagainya. Sebab akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh simple past tense sudah tidak bisa dirumuskan lagi karena sudah terjadi di waktu lampau contohnya: I ate seafood last month ( aku makan seafood bulanm lalu). Karena tidak ditandai kata-kata tertentu seperti has atau have hanya saja ditandai dengan penggunaan Verb 2.
Contoh kalimat simple Past Tense:
1.      I wrote a letter for my mom last month (aku menulis sebuah surat ibuku bulan lalu)
2.      We ate seafood together yesterday (kami makan seafood bersama-sama kemarin)
S+Heve/Has+Verb 3+O+C
Present Perfect Tense merupakan sebuah tenses dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau namun biasanya masih ada hubungan nya di waktu sekarang ataupun telah diketahui pekerjaan tersebut telah selesai dikerjkakan maupun belum. Present perfect tense menggunakan verb 3 atau kata kerja ke-3 dalam bahasa inggris.
Rumus Present Perfect Tense:

Sebab akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh present perfect tense biasanya bisa dirasakan. Present perfect tense ditandai dengan kata has/heve dan juga verb 3.
Contoh kalimat Present Perfect Tense:
1.      I have worked in this office since last mont ( aku telah bekerja dikantor ini sejak bulan lalu).
2.      She has called me and to her party (dia telah menelepon ku dan dan mengundangku ke ulang tahunnya )